Jour 1
05:00 Bike (easy)
Back Squat
Find Your 1RM
10 Reps – Empty Bar
10 Reps @35%
8 Reps @50%
5 Reps @60%
3 Reps @70%
1 Reps @85%
1 Rep 90 – 95%
Et monte jusqu’à trouver ton 1RM
Jour 2
Bench Press
Find Your 1RM
Find Your 1RM
Jour 3
Echauffement Articulaire
3 Rounds
10 Rowing Ring
10 Banded Row
10 Stick Pass Through
Find Your Max Reps Of Strict Pull Ups Unbroken
Rowing Bar
Find Your 1RM
Jour 4
Echauffement Articulaire
3 Rounds
15 Air Squats
10 Push Ups
Shoulder Press
Find Your 1RM
Dumbbell Flys On A Flat Bench
3 Series Of 10 Reps
Rest 01:30 B/T Each Serie
Start with a easy load, and choose a load with which the last 3 become hard.
Dumbbell Chest Press
3 Series Of 10 Reps
Rest 01:30 B/T Each Serie