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[Radical Rx Plan] Week 25-2020

Day 1

Warm Up

4 Rounds
10/ 10 T Push ups
20 Cal Row
20 Air Squats
5 Shoulders Press 20/15KG


Back Squat
5 x 42,5
5 x 52,5
5 x 62,5
5 x 72,5
5 x 82,5

Metcon – For time –

EMOM 12:00
01:00 6 / 8 HSPU
01:00 50 Double Unders
01:00 6 / 8 Power Snacth 40/30KG
01:00 Rest
Adapt Reps if you need them.

Complete 05:00 Of Plank

Day 2

Warm Up

AMRAP 06:00
10 Air Squats
20 Push Press Empty bar
30 Sit ups

Strength – 35:00

Deadllits – 20:00
5 Reps @42,5% Of your 1RM
5 Reps @52,5
5 Reps @62,5
5 Reps @72,5
5 Reps @82,5

Metcon – For time –

Pull ups Biathlon with Ski Erg
30/25 Cal Ski Erg
30 Pull ups
30/25 Cal Ski Erg
20 Pull ups
30/25 Cal Ski Erg
10 Pull ups

Each time you break a series of pull ups,
you are penalized 20/15.
The penalties accumulate and must
be added to the next series of Ski Erg.
This is also valid for the last series.

Time Cap 18:00

Day 3

Aerobic Capacity

5 Sets Of Run
02:00 at Moderate Pace
00:30 at Fast Pace
01:00 at Walk Pace

Gym – 25:00

Work your Muscle Ups
If you don’t pass the muscle up,
3 x 8 Reps Band Assisted Muscle Ups
3 x 8 Reps Muscle Up jumps

Emom 12:00
Choose the number of reps you
want to enter in a minute and hold it.
Rx : 6 Reps – Sc : 3 Reps

Emom 06:00
8 to 12 Reps Ring/Bar or Box Dips
6 Reps Strict Pull ups

Metcon – For time – Time 19:00

Bike Erg
2 Sets
01:00 Moderate Pace
:30 Easy Pace
:10 at Fast pace
01:00 Easy
01:00 Moderate Pace
:30 Easy Pace
:10 at Fast pace
01:00 Easy
01:00 Moderate Pace
:30 Easy Pace
:10 at Fast pace
01:00 Easy
*No additional Rest b/t sets

Day 4

Warm Up

3 Rounds
10 Thrusters 20/15KG
10 Front Squats
10 Push Jerk

Metcon – For time –

« Open 14.1 »
AMRAP 10:00
30 Double Unders
15 Power Snatches 35/25KG

Metcon – For time –

4 Rounds
400m Run
25 Chest to Bars Or Pull ups
10 Power Clean 60/40KG

No time Cap

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